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//opengl2Dlib.h 1.2
//Copyright(c) 2020 Luta Vlad
// dependences: glew, glm, stb_image, stb_trueType
// features:
// draw shapes with rotation color \
// texture transparency
// draw text with font and shadows
// camera
// shaders
// setVsync
// texture atlases and loading textures with \
// padding to fix visual bugs when using \
// pixel art sprite atlases
// draw to screen of frame buffer that can \
// be used as a texture
// a particle system that can use a custom \
// shader and apply a pixelate effect
#pragma once
//enable simd functions
//set GL2D_SIMD to 0 if it doesn't work on your platform
#ifdef _WIN32
#define GL2D_SIMD 1
#define GL2D_SIMD 0
#include <glad/glad.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <random>
#include <stb_image/stb_image.h>
#include <stb_truetype/stb_truetype.h>
namespace gl2d
//todo proper cmake, rename repo
void init();
void defaultErrorFunc(const char *msg);
using errorFuncType = decltype(defaultErrorFunc);
errorFuncType *setErrorFuncCallback(errorFuncType *newFunc);
struct Font;
//returns false on fail
bool setVsync(bool b);
namespace internal
struct ShaderProgram
GLuint id;
int u_sampler;
float positionToScreenCoordsX(const float position, float w);
float positionToScreenCoordsY(const float position, float h);
stbtt_aligned_quad fontGetGlyphQuad(const Font font, const char c);
glm::vec4 fontGetGlyphTextureCoords(const Font font, const char c);
///////////////////// COLOR ///////////////////
#pragma region Color
using Color4f = glm::vec4;
#define Colors_Red (gl2d::Color4f{ 1, 0, 0, 1 })
#define Colors_Green (gl2d::Color4f{ 0, 1, 0, 1 })
#define Colors_Blue (gl2d::Color4f{ 0, 0, 1, 1 })
#define Colors_Black (gl2d::Color4f{ 0, 0, 0, 1 })
#define Colors_White (gl2d::Color4f{ 1, 1, 1, 1 })
#define Colors_Yellow (gl2d::Color4f{ 1, 1, 0, 1 })
#define Colors_Magenta (gl2d::Color4f{ 1, 0, 1, 1 })
#define Colors_Turqoise (gl2d::Color4f{ 0, 1, 1, 1 })
#define Colors_Orange (gl2d::Color4f{ 1, (float)0x7F / 255.0f, 0, 1 })
#define Colors_Purple (gl2d::Color4f{ 101.0f / 255.0f, 29.0f / 255.0f, 173.0f / 255.0f, 1 })
#define Colors_Gray (gl2d::Color4f{ (float)0x7F / 255.0f, (float)0x7F / 255.0f, (float)0x7F / 255.0f, 1 })
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// MATH ////////////////////
#pragma region math
using Rect = glm::vec4;
glm::vec2 rotateAroundPoint(glm::vec2 vec, glm::vec2 point, const float degrees);
glm::vec2 scaleAroundPoint(glm::vec2 vec, glm::vec2 point, float scale);
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// Texture /////////////////////
#pragma region Texture
struct Texture
GLuint id = 0;
Texture() {};
Texture(const char *file) { loadFromFile(file); }
glm::ivec2 GetSize();
//Note: This function expects a buffer of bytes in GL_RGBA format
void createFromBuffer(const char *image_data, const int width, const int height);
void create1PxSquare(const char *b = 0);
void createFromFileData(const unsigned char *image_file_data, const size_t image_file_size);
void createFromFileDataWithPixelPadding(const unsigned char *image_file_data,
const size_t image_file_size, int blockSize);
void loadFromFile(const char *fileName);
void loadFromFileWithPixelPadding(const char *fileName, int blockSize);
void bind(const unsigned int sample = 0);
void unbind();
void cleanup();
struct TextureRegion
Texture texture;
glm::vec4 textureCoords;
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// Font /////////////////////
#pragma region Font
#define Default_Font_Characters_Range_Begin cast(char, ' ')
#define Default_Font_Characters_Range_End cast(char, '~')
#define Default_Font_Characters_Range_Size cast(isize, Default_Font_Characters_Range_End - Default_Font_Characters_Range_Begin)
typedef float Font_Size;
typedef struct Font Font;
struct Font
Texture texture;
glm::ivec2 size;
stbtt_packedchar *packedCharsBuffer;
int packedCharsBufferSize;
float max_height;
Font() {}
explicit Font(const char *file) { createFromFile(file); }
void createFromTTF(const unsigned char *ttf_data, const size_t ttf_data_size);
void createFromFile(const char *file);
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// Camera /////////////////////
#pragma region Camera
struct Camera;
Camera cameraCreateDefault();
struct Camera
glm::vec2 position;
//glm::vec2 offset; // Camera offset (displacement from target)
glm::vec2 target; // Camera target (rotation and zoom origin)
float rotation; // Camera rotation in degrees
float zoom; // Camera zoom (scaling), should be 1.0f by default
void setDefault() { *this = cameraCreateDefault(); }
glm::mat3 getMatrix();
void follow(glm::vec2 pos, float speed, float max, float w, float h);
glm::vec2 convertPoint(const glm::vec2 &p, float windowW, float windowH);
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// Renderer2d /////////////////////
#pragma region Renderer2d
typedef glm::vec2 Position2D;
typedef glm::vec4 Texture_Coords;
struct FrameBuffer
unsigned int fbo;
Texture texture;
void create(unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
void resize(unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
//clears resources
void cleanup();
//clears colors
void clear();
#define Renderer2D_Max_Buffer_Capacity 25000
#define DefaultTextureCoords (glm::vec4{ 0, 1, 1, 0 })
enum Renderer2DBufferType
typedef struct Renderer2D Renderer2D;
struct Renderer2D
Renderer2D() {};
void create();
GLuint buffers[Renderer2DBufferType::bufferSize];
GLuint vao;
//Note: Just for testing purposes
//4 elements each component
glm::vec2 spritePositions[Renderer2D_Max_Buffer_Capacity];
glm::vec4 spriteColors[Renderer2D_Max_Buffer_Capacity];
glm::vec2 texturePositions[Renderer2D_Max_Buffer_Capacity];
Texture spriteTextures[Renderer2D_Max_Buffer_Capacity];
int spritePositionsCount = 0;
int spriteColorsCount = 0;
int texturePositionsCount = 0;
int spriteTexturesCount = 0;
Texture white1pxSquareTexture;
internal::ShaderProgram currentShader;
Camera currentCamera;
//window metrics, should be up to date at all times
int windowW = 0;
int windowH = 0;
void updateWindowMetrics(int w, int h) { windowW = w; windowH = h; }
//converts pixels to screen (top left) (bottom right)
glm::vec4 toScreen(const glm::vec4 &transform);
inline void clearDrawData()
spritePositionsCount = 0;
spriteColorsCount = 0;
spriteTexturesCount = 0;
texturePositionsCount = 0;
glm::vec2 getTextSize(const char *text, const Font font, const float size = 1.5f,
const float spacing = 4, const float line_space = 3);
// The origin will be the bottom left corner since it represents the line for the text to be drawn
//Pacing and lineSpace are influenced by size
void renderText(glm::vec2 position, const char *text, const Font font, const Color4f color, const float size = 1.5f,
const float spacing = 4, const float line_space = 3, bool showInCenter = 1, const Color4f ShadowColor = { 0.1,0.1,0.1,1 }
, const Color4f LightColor = {});
//todo color overloads
void renderRectangle(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors[4], const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords);
inline void renderRectangle(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords)
Color4f c[4] = { colors,colors,colors,colors };
renderRectangle(transforms, c, origin, rotation, texture, textureCoords);
void renderRectangleAbsRotation(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors[4], const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords);
inline void renderRectangleAbsRotation(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords)
Color4f c[4] = { colors,colors,colors,colors };
renderRectangleAbsRotation(transforms, c, origin, rotation, texture, textureCoords);
void renderRectangle(const Rect transforms, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords);
void renderRectangleAbsRotation(const Rect transforms, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const glm::vec4 textureCoords = DefaultTextureCoords);
void renderRectangle(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors[4], const glm::vec2 origin = { 0,0 }, const float rotation = 0);
inline void renderRectangle(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors, const glm::vec2 origin = { 0,0 }, const float rotation = 0)
Color4f c[4] = { colors,colors,colors,colors };
renderRectangle(transforms, c, origin, rotation);
void renderRectangleAbsRotation(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors[4], const glm::vec2 origin = { 0,0 }, const float rotation = 0);
inline void renderRectangleAbsRotation(const Rect transforms, const Color4f colors, const glm::vec2 origin = { 0,0 }, const float rotation = 0)
Color4f c[4] = { colors,colors,colors,colors };
renderRectangleAbsRotation(transforms, c, origin, rotation);
void render9Patch(const Rect position, const int borderSize, const Color4f color, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const Texture_Coords textureCoords, const Texture_Coords inner_texture_coords);
void render9Patch2(const Rect position, const int borderSize, const Color4f color, const glm::vec2 origin, const float rotation, const Texture texture, const Texture_Coords textureCoords, const Texture_Coords inner_texture_coords);
void clearScreen(const Color4f color = Colors_Black);
void setShaderProgram(const internal::ShaderProgram shader);
void setCamera(const Camera camera);
void resetCameraAndShader();
//draws to the screen
void flush();
void flushFBO(FrameBuffer frameBuffer);
//this should be called if the user changes the gl state by hand
void enableNecessaryGLFeatures();
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// TextureAtlas /////////////////////
#pragma region TextureAtlas
glm::vec4 computeTextureAtlas(int xCount, int yCount, int x, int y, bool flip = 0);
glm::vec4 computeTextureAtlasWithPadding(int mapXsize, int mapYsize, int xCount, int yCount, int x, int y, bool flip = 0);
struct TextureAtlas
TextureAtlas() {};
TextureAtlas(int x, int y):xCount(x), yCount(y) {};
int xCount;
int yCount;
glm::vec4 get(int x, int y, bool flip = 0)
return computeTextureAtlas(xCount, yCount, x, y, flip);
struct TextureAtlasPadding
TextureAtlasPadding() {};
//count count size size
TextureAtlasPadding(int x, int y, int xSize, int ySize):xCount(x), yCount(y)
, xSize(xSize), ySize(ySize)
int xCount;
int yCount;
int xSize;
int ySize;
glm::vec4 get(int x, int y, bool flip = 0)
return computeTextureAtlasWithPadding(xSize, ySize, xCount, yCount, x, y, flip);
// Get default internal texture (white texture)
#pragma endregion
///////////////////// ParticleSysyem /////////////////////
#pragma region ParticleSysyem
struct ParticleApearence
glm::vec2 size;
glm::vec4 color1;
glm::vec4 color2;
none = 0,
struct ParticleSettings
ParticleSettings *deathRattle = nullptr;
ParticleSettings *subemitParticle = nullptr;
int onCreateCount = 0;
glm::vec2 subemitParticleTime = {};
glm::vec2 positionX = {};
glm::vec2 positionY = {};
glm::vec2 particleLifeTime = {}; // move
glm::vec2 directionX = {};
glm::vec2 directionY = {};
glm::vec2 dragX = {};
glm::vec2 dragY = {};
glm::vec2 rotation = {};
glm::vec2 rotationSpeed = {};
glm::vec2 rotationDrag = {};
ParticleApearence createApearence = {};
ParticleApearence createEndApearence = {};
gl2d::Texture *texturePtr = 0;
int tranzitionType = TRANZITION_TYPES::linear;
struct ParticleSystem
void initParticleSystem(int size);
void cleanup();
void emitParticleWave(ParticleSettings *ps, glm::vec2 pos);
void applyMovement(float deltaTime);
void draw(Renderer2D &r);
bool postProcessing = true;
float pixelateFactor = 2;
int size = 0;
float *posX = 0;
float *posY = 0;
float *directionX = 0;
float *directionY = 0;
float *rotation = 0;
float *sizeXY = 0;
float *dragX = 0;
float *dragY = 0;
float *duration = 0;
float *durationTotal = 0;
glm::vec4 *color = 0;
float *rotationSpeed = 0;
float *rotationDrag = 0;
float *emitTime = 0;
char *tranzitionType = 0;
ParticleSettings **deathRattle = 0;
ParticleSettings **thisParticleSettings = 0;
ParticleSettings **emitParticle = 0;
gl2d::Texture **textures = 0;
std::mt19937 random{ std::random_device{}() };
gl2d::FrameBuffer fb;
float rand(glm::vec2 v);
#pragma endregion